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p. 0508 4 TALENT (482 536)

CEO Level Expertise for Recovery Register

  • UM01. CEO with experience across all sectors, including NGOs, with experience earlier in manufacturing environments. Has become advisor to a number of NGOs needing high level expertise during times of difficulty and change. Known to us for many years and experienced through crisis.
  • BK01. CEO level with international experience in troublespots. Prince2 quals alongside practical CE experience as well as advisory roles within public and private sectors. Strong risk management experience. Originally armed forces background into commerce. Well versed in highly charged environments.
  • LM01. CEO, most recent experience in retail, but retail with a difference. Established webstore business alongside chain of low-cost stores, and created franchise model. Understands retail in the new environment and ideally placed to advise and be involved practicably with changes required to make business viable. Very e-commerce savvy!

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Impeccable administration - environmental

Review of Documentation - Environmental Services

Enforcement Operations Expertise

An enthusiasm for perfecting organisational procedures. Delights at having reduced the rate of cost recovery/user pays from 50% for building control to 82%, and from less than 15% for planning to 70% for resource consents. Led a Natural Areas project - identifying and negotiating protection measures for significant natural fauna/flora on privately-owned land.

An enthusiasm for perfecting organisational procedures. Delights at having reduced the rate of cost recovery/user pays from 50% for building control to 82%, and from less than 15% for planning to 70% for resource consents. Led a Natural Areas project - identifying and negotiating protection measures for significant natural fauna/flora on privately-owned land.

Managed the administrative processes to meet legislative requirements for accreditation as a Building Consent Authority.

Experience in enforcement of the 2004 building control legislation. Led a team tasked with the development of policy and operational management of the District Plan, bylaws and RMA, Building Act, Health Act, Food Safety Act, Dog Control Act.

Prefers a location in or close to Wellington

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Systems developer

Change analyst and facilitator

Financial Controller who weighs stakeholder priorities

A contractor people-person team player. Great at analysing the case for the likes of departmental merging, or determining the details for organizational change in a delicate situation. The sort of person who people feel comfortable opening up to. Within his wide experience is establishing the framework for a CCO for operating swimming pools, gyms, and early childcare.

A contractor people-person team player. Great at analysing the case for the likes of departmental merging, or determining the details for organizational change in a delicate situation. The sort of person who people feel comfortable opening up to.

Within his wide experience is establishing the framework for a CCO for operating swimming pools, gyms, and early childcare.

Recently completed a discovery project on the impact of GST on Council charges, and mapped the end-to-end transaction flow of parking tickets from hand-held PDA tracking through to SAP Financials. Has previously headed software selection for Ports of Auckland

His expertise centres on 25 years a financial controller with a specialty in application software implementation for systems such Axapta/Microsoft Dynamics Pathway and TLA applications. Has the rounded capability to produce training guides in following through to project completion.

Will take assignments nationwide, preferably upper North Island

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Major council initiatives

Risk and Value Management of Programmes and Complex Projects

People-person style leader

Qualified and experienced in front-end value and risk assessment of Council programmes. Here is an expressive and diplomatic leader who has run a 100 strong team in the development of strategy in conformance with Council policy and the organization of internal and external teams and consultancies in the delivery of several municipal projects running concurrently to the value of $25 million.

Qualified and experienced in front-end value and risk assessment of Council programmes.

Here is an expressive and diplomatic leader who has run a 100 strong team in the development of strategy in conformance with Council policy and the organization of internal and external teams and consultancies in the delivery of several municipal projects running concurrently to the value of $25 million.

Adept at each stage of a programme cycle - from feasibility study, community buy-in, reporting politically, managing interaction between consultancy QS & Project Management firms, and council teams.

Wants a permanent position in the Central North Island or SI

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Engineering management

A profile in reviving Engineering and Assets into economic units

Infrastructure-wide savvy extends to Water, Waste-Water, Roading

This senior MIPENZ civil engineer has 30 years TLA experience. Extraordinarily resourceful as a designer he intends to move away from general operations management into more of a consultancy or design role. Ideal as he would be in a Senior Manager Assets role, he may be most valuable managing long term planning of infrastructure based on his experience in design, project, and contract management.

This senior MIPENZ civil engineer has 30 years TLA experience. Extraordinarily resourceful as a designer he intends to move away from general operations management into more of a consultancy or design role. Ideal as he would be in a Senior Manager Assets role, he may be most valuable managing long term planning of infrastructure based on his experience in design, project, and contract management.

With enthusiastic can-do disposition, he innovatively pioneered the construction of Geo-membrane reservoirs for potable water. In the geotechnical field his experience in managing foundation investigation, design, and construction of: rock and soil anchoring for supporting vertical faces and foundation excavations for bridges, dams, pipelines.

Reconstruction of large agricultural flood irrigation systems after flood damage.

Through his design know-how he has enabled a Council to win contracts on the open market through cost effective innovative engineering solutions. Wishes to locate within a 120 km radius of Auckland City.

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Supply chain expert supported by qualifications

Highly experienced SC expert with achievements to his name in some of the most difficult environments.

Highly qualified and backed by both line management and a consulting background, this exceptional conatractor has been involved in some of the most cmplex projects, and achieved outstanding outcomes. sector experience includes health, entertainment, not for profit, pharmaceuticals, as well as general manufacturing. Whilst well-versed in JDE, he has capability across a broad range of ERP systems. His expertise extends into areas such as tender documentation, inventory reduction, performance improvement, contract negotiation, as well as proferring advice around his base experience in accounting, budgeting, and systems improvement. Has been through a quiet patch like many and would be exceptional value for any project where these skills could be utilised. For more information, contact Kevin Chappell on 0295-974739 and quote reference TN1017

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Master black belt 6Sigma lean expert

One of only a few in the country

This exceptional candidate is one of only a few in New Zealand who posseses these highly sought-after credentials. He has learnt from some of the world's leading programmes. Whilst currently leading the 6Sigma-Lean charge within one of New Zealand's top corporates, he is available on an ad hoc basis to run training programmes and help develop New Zealand's capability in this rapidly developing area. If you'd like to learn more, then contact Kevin Chappell on 0295-974739 or email your enquiry to with the subject 6Sigma Training.

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Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee!

But exceptional in their work! These two Accounting Contractors have very similar backgrounds it's sometimes difficult to separate them! Both Auckland based.

These two highly experienced Contractors have been known to us for the last 20 plus years. One I put out on contract in 1986 and the other in the early '90's. And both have done numerous assignments for me during this time. Both have very strong systems accounting experience and have worked for the best known iconic brands, as well as some of the biggest public entities in the country. To last in the Contracting field for 20 years, you have to be great and you have to keep being great. One is available now, the other at the end of September. Their expertise and skills are too immense to list, so in short, if you're after a very good qualified accountant who can operate to FC level and can turn his hand to anything, then one of these guys will suit just fine. Contact Kevin Chappell for more information on 0295-974739 and quote TDTD!

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Superb HR change merchant!

Highly qualified but backed by blue chip experience. M.Com BBS HR, IR, ER, CM, T&D.....letters that mean something!

With Masters and Bachelor degrees in ER, IR and strategic HRM, this exceptional candidate offers both the knowledge as well as the experience. Her sector experience includes Local Government, utilities, as well as the private sector, including iconic New Zealand brands. Capability extends across all aspects of HR, from very hands-on through to strategic, and covers such areas as performance management, T&D strategy, payroll and HRIS, H&S, mostly in significant change environments. Her list of achievements are just too long to detail here and can only be justified by viewing her profile. Most recently she has been the prime support for a significant change project in a regional public entity. Contact Kevin Chappell now on 0295-974739 for details of this highly recommended contractor. Quote reference TN908

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CEO level - public or private sector

Bridging the sector gap, with senior level experience in CCO's as well. Brings practical with academic.

This degree qualified senior level executive has operated across both the public and private sectors and points in between! In recognised Consulting practices, he has undertaken some very sensitive reviews and been the "brains" behind some well-known and successful public and private "establishments". Has worked in almost every sector within central and local Government, specialising in economic and performance measures as well as project managing large property and asset based projects. Highly experienced in lobbying at the highest level. Will look at any appropriate opportunity throughout the country. For more on this outstanding candidate, talk to Kevin Chappell on 0295-974739. Quote reference TN1016

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COO with a CLOO!

What he doesn't know about logistics and moving things about, we simply couldn't find out!

Coming to us highly recommended, this highly experienced Operations expert has some of New Zealand's iconic companies on his CV. Originally coming from a systems background with technical qualifications, he had a stint overseas before returning to NZ and beginning his career within one of the most respected freight groups in the country, holding roles from National Operations Manager through to General Manager of some of the larger more diverse and challenging member companies. His last role before leaving the industry was being seconded during times of change and ensuring continuity during restructure. Recent experience in fast growth service sector as COO covering IT services within the group. A real "add value" for any organisation. Contact Kevin Chappell on 0295-974739 and quote reference TN982

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A simply outstanding project & programme manager

Described as delivering solutions where others have failed - and beyond expectations! If you're after one of these people, then you can't go wrong.

With an IT focus but a business degree in marketing and finance, this very astute professional is a change manager extraordinaire - in new areas of growth, acquisitions, ad anywhere where challenges are present. His experience transcends some of NZ's biggest, and the public sector, and covers a broad sector range including TLA, supermarkets, banking, telecommunications, and software development. With a reputation for process improvement plus the ability to pick up an ailing project and propel it forward to success, he has taken some of the most difficult and complex projects and their teams, and achieved what some would have called the impossible. Experience extends into core systems areas including payroll, broad ERP systems, and industry specialised "systems imperative". Well worth exploring if you have a project off track, or you're about to kick one off and want "the tick of success". Call Kevin Chappell on 0295-974739 on this exceptional PM. Quote reference TN981

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A CFO and more

Auckland-based Commercial Manager/CFO or FC. More than capable of fulfilling these roles - and more.

With appropriate qualifications as well, this chap has paid his dues as a Financial Controller. He has the skills and experience to be comfortable in targeting the top finance role in a large company, or be the Commercial Manager with a broad range of commercial responsibilities. He does not see himself just limited to finance, but very comfortable in IT and Procurement. We would describe him really as "The GM in Waiting"!

His CV is stacked with strong brand names and some of NZ's largest organisations. Take advantage of his "pedigree".

Indicative salary is around $150K. Call John Keesing in confidence on this top candidate on 021-649920. Quote reference TN980

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Office organiser extraordinaire

Sorted! Very strong Office Manager/EA/PA. Auckland based.

We usually don't promote people at this level, but this lady is an exception because she's just so good. Yes, give your task to her and it's sorted. Efficient, effective, accurate and you only have to tell her once - if you feel the need to say anything at all! We have placed this gem into several short term contract/temp roles over the years and she comes up trumps every time, continuously exceeding clients' expectations.

She enjoys the life of a contractor with the flexibility it brings but also the client challenges it provides.

Pricing is around $40/hour. Contact John Keesing on 021-649920 for more details. Quote reference TN979.

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Lean 6Sigma expert - need we say more?

Lean, 6Sigma, Value Stream, Kaizen - a productivity improvement expert whatever way you look at him.

Pull out all the acronyms and buzz words you can around productivity improvement and this chap knows them, teaches them, lives them, and breathes them. Any business that is looking to do more with less (less time, inventory, space, people and effort) and getting it right the first time, then this is the chap.

Comfortable in operations, production, manufacturing and warehousing environments. We need not say much more!

Pricing is based upon the scope of the exercise. Contact John Keesing on 012-649920 to discuss. Quote reference TN978

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Internationally experienced & brilliant systems accounting professional

Waikato based. A highly skilled SAP expert returning after 9 years with some of the world's best. GONE, BUT I'M SURE WE CAN FIND ANOTHER!

With both tertiary degree and accounting qualifications, this exceptionally experienced "Gen-X'er" has worked for some of the most recognised companies in the world. With a background in education, energy, and manufacturing/processing, this has given her the breadth that will allow her to cross-over to almost any industry. An expert with SAP and Hyperion, she is completely up-to-date with the latest versions and the intricacies of delivering accurate financial reporting to the most senior level in both large and smaller entities. With direct SAP implementation and analysis experience, plus utilising it in the delivery, she is well-rounded to add value to any NZ enterprise. Available immediately and will look at both permanent and contract. Prefers no more than three quarters of an hour travelling from home. $90K plus or $50 per hour plus and worth every dollar! Contact Kevin Chappell on 0295-974739 and quote reference TN977.

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Accounting contractor who has been around the traps!

This seasoned professional Accountant has undertaken contracting as his choice of career for more than 20 years.

He has fulfilled roles from Acting Finance Manager through to sole charge Company Accountant as well as project work of a sensitive nature. Adept at "all things accounting", he is prepared to roll his sleeves up and do everything from general accounting work, through to reconciliations as well as managing and coaching a team. Strong is systems work including software implementation and a dab hand at spreadsheeting (Excel), he also is highly experienced around payroll and payroll development. Sectors include Government, TLA, service, manufacturing, marine, engineering and transport in more recent times in his huge industry inventory.

Currently available and keen to find something to get his teeth into. Even today, people like this are hard to find, so if you have a need coming up, then call now to secure this talented long-term contractor. Contact Kevin Chappell on 0295-974739 or email quoting reference 791.

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A TLA experienced policy development expert

LTCCP experienced TLA expert. Preferably lower North Island location.

Wellington location preferred. Local government experience within Enforcement Operations, Policy Development, and in process mapping and improvement within Regulatory Services. Recently managed a council department delivering policy and operational responsibilities covering District Plan development, resource management planning and consents, building control and consents, and environmental health licensing and investigations.

As a member of the Council's senior management team, had key input into strategic decision-making, organisational budgets and the LTCCP processes. Experienced in statistical projections and planning to achieve high rates of cost recovery/user-pays within the Council businesses.

These skills are hard to find and in great need. For more details, contact Peter Webster on 021-534000 or email quoting reference TN975

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CRM Guru with "Go To WHOA" PM Experience

ICT through to FMCG, shipping/transport through to energy, and banking and financial services, diversity of experience counts. Few can boast this breadth.

From a practical perspective, this highly experienced CRM expert has been involved with some of the best known contact centres and outsourced servicing operations internationally. With intimate knowledge of the technical side of these types of operations, he can also deliver practical solutions due to a day-to-day understanding of the operating of the actual infrastructure. Having been responsible for one of the recognised success stories in customer solutions, he was able to bridge the gap between the technical side of the business through to the business needs of individual units, and engage with these crucial areas to deliver process and people improvements. These included engaging senior management through to "shop floor" staff and customer facilitation. Products include Siebel, Pivotal, MySAP, SalesLogix, and Clarify to name but a few.

Available from September 09 and would defintiely add value where customer interface needs attention. Contact Kevin Chappell on 0295-974739 or email quoting reference TN973.

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Grey hair and change experience that's hard to beat!

Those who have managed through previous turbulent times are the "fixers" of today. This visionary leader is one of them.

Six years ago, I placed this exceptional senior level contractor in a distressed company within a large well-known group in New Zealand. Three years later he emerged from the group having dealt his magic to many areas. Coming from the school of hard knocks, but supplemented by a stint at Harvard Business School, he brings extensive knowledge and experience in turning aroung ailing companies with commonsense strategies and an equal "restructure" focus on people, costs and sales. Industry sectors include retail, manufacturing and processing, and media. Recent project over the last two years has been the successful divestment of an iconic NZ brand in an exceptionally difficult economic environment, ensuring shareholder and stakeholder interests were maintained.

Known as being able to work with the most demanding stakeholders and achieving top results. Available now. Contact Kevin Chappell on 0295-974739 or email quoting reference TN972

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Simply more than just an accountant

Internationally qualified Accountant who has returned to NZ for lifestyle reasons. Take advantage of this shift and reap the rewards!

A mid-career CA qualified finance specialist with extensive commercial experience and strong management capability. He has worked for PWC in London, Vancouver, and Napier. Experienced at improving financial processes, systems, and policies. Expertise in funding, financial instruments and e-commerce.

With a successful track record in managing teams of people, he is suited well to broad management responsibility.

Turned three failing finance and audit departments into successful functioning teams and has set-up and managed a forensic accounting practice.

Available for immediate start on contract roles preferably in lower North Island. Contact Peter Webster on 021-534000 or email and quote reference TN971

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Marketing & IT Guru - from SME to Corporate

Qualified senior marketing professional with specialist skills in strategy, communication, and project management, gained in some difficult and competitive sectors.

With a degree qualification in marketing and post-grad in IT, this exceptional candidate can come from two opposing directions!! As one of our earlier contractors, she completed a very successful project where she was able to utilise her variety of skills. Highly adept in marketing from straight research through to strategy and implementation, her industry experience crosses the divide of primary industry, agribusiness, financial services, banking, communications, and promotion. Being based in the regions, she has to have the capability of pulling on the gumboots, as well as heels! This she has achieved with great success. Described as insightful, practical, evaluative, strong in relationship building, she has both the soft and hard skills to succeed.

Available for that tough assignment that requires results. Contact Kevin Chappell on 0295-974739 quoting reference TN126

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Exceptional HR Manager/Consultant - intricate sector experience!!

This highly experienced degree qualified HR practitioner has moved to the lower North Island and can offer extensive experience to organisations in this region.

Her HR career began as an analyst and she progressed to HR Advisor for a sizable organisation in Wellington. A stint with one of the "Big 4" in a significant HR role saw her take responsibility for the full HR function, including OSH, performance management, advice and support, recruitment (including graduate recruitment), retention strategies, and feedback programmes. Her most recent role was with a significant finance house and legal firm in Australia in intricate areas of operation, including HR activities around risk and compliance, legal and company secretariat, treasury, mergers and acquisition. We seldom see someone with such broad skills but also quite specific to a particular sector of the commercial marketplace. Legal, financial services, CA firm, plus Central Government is a valuable asset.

This professional, although residing in the Manawatu, is happy to travel if necessary, but not to the extent that she is away from home constantly. One of the very good finds in the regions where value add will just be standard!

For more information on this outstanding candidate, please contact Kevin Chappell on 0275-974739 or email quoting reference no 0274

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Not your run-of-the-mill business development manager!

Surprisingly degree qualified, this astute sales focused executive level professional has not really used his "grey matter" to the extent he could.

With a degree in management, he has primarily focused on BD style roles, and those where there is a high degree of customer service required. This has included the Government and TLA environment, which has given him a well-rounded background to move to the next phase where he can really maximise his skills. Experienced also in the construction industry and the energy sector, he has that sought-after mix of business and sales, with high level relationship development to boot. An excellent negotiator, he can identify and offer creative solutions to difficult problems, whilst bringing to bear a project management touch in the process.

Having moved across the SME through to Government sector, he can bring strong business skills to the next opportunity. Call Kevin Chappell on 0275-974739 or email quoting reference no 790.

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