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Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee!

But exceptional in their work! These two Accounting Contractors have very similar backgrounds it's sometimes difficult to separate them! Both Auckland based.

These two highly experienced Contractors have been known to us for the last 20 plus years. One I put out on contract in 1986 and the other in the early '90's. And both have done numerous assignments for me during this time. Both have very strong systems accounting experience and have worked for the best known iconic brands, as well as some of the biggest public entities in the country. To last in the Contracting field for 20 years, you have to be great and you have to keep being great. One is available now, the other at the end of September. Their expertise and skills are too immense to list, so in short, if you're after a very good qualified accountant who can operate to FC level and can turn his hand to anything, then one of these guys will suit just fine. Contact Kevin Chappell for more information on 0295-974739 and quote TDTD!

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