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p. 0508 4 TALENT (482 536)

Impeccable administration - environmental

Review of Documentation - Environmental Services

Enforcement Operations Expertise

An enthusiasm for perfecting organisational procedures. Delights at having reduced the rate of cost recovery/user pays from 50% for building control to 82%, and from less than 15% for planning to 70% for resource consents. Led a Natural Areas project - identifying and negotiating protection measures for significant natural fauna/flora on privately-owned land.

An enthusiasm for perfecting organisational procedures. Delights at having reduced the rate of cost recovery/user pays from 50% for building control to 82%, and from less than 15% for planning to 70% for resource consents. Led a Natural Areas project - identifying and negotiating protection measures for significant natural fauna/flora on privately-owned land.

Managed the administrative processes to meet legislative requirements for accreditation as a Building Consent Authority.

Experience in enforcement of the 2004 building control legislation. Led a team tasked with the development of policy and operational management of the District Plan, bylaws and RMA, Building Act, Health Act, Food Safety Act, Dog Control Act.

Prefers a location in or close to Wellington

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