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p. 0508 4 TALENT (482 536)
CEO Level Expertise for Recovery Register
- UM01. CEO with experience across all sectors, including NGOs, with experience earlier in manufacturing environments. Has become advisor to a number of NGOs needing high level expertise during times of difficulty and change. Known to us for many years and experienced through crisis.
- BK01. CEO level with international experience in troublespots. Prince2 quals alongside practical CE experience as well as advisory roles within public and private sectors. Strong risk management experience. Originally armed forces background into commerce. Well versed in highly charged environments.
- LM01. CEO, most recent experience in retail, but retail with a difference. Established webstore business alongside chain of low-cost stores, and created franchise model. Understands retail in the new environment and ideally placed to advise and be involved practicably with changes required to make business viable. Very e-commerce savvy!