When Covid hit in early 2020 and the world turned upside down, all the experts predicted that economies would crash, housing markets would fall over a cliff, and unemployment would soar to the levels of the Great Depression. And whilst there has been some impact in some sectors, and some countries are still dealing with the ongoing effects, none of this has come to fruition.
Instead, housing markets have soared and unemployment seems to have settled at levels pre-Covid.
So let's talk about our area of interest - employment.
We established a Recovery Register during the first lockdown here in NZ in March-April 2020, and had in excess of 700 experienced "self-proclaimed recovery experts" register their interest. We predicted a requirement for expertise to assist in the fall-out and subsequent recovery. But other than directly affected sectors like tourism and retail, business carried on - primarily due to Government intervention and Covid payments to keep staff engaged and businesses going. Whatever political affiliation you have, clearly this worked and helped businesses survive. Sadly some didn't, but perhaps there's an argument that they may not have in the long term anyhow?
So, like many experts in their field, we were wrong in what the picture going forward would look like.
What we are seeing now is that due to travel restrictions and limited immigration, the usual "churn" of talent is not happening. By that we mean that immigration assists the usual churn of people moving about, whether it be entry level or graduate roles that then push up to the top and create new opportunities.
On the front line, this has translated into low advertising response in most categories up to around the $150K level, with BAU at the top level where competition still prevails. It also means you cn no longer just pop an advert on Seek and hope for the best, as proactive search is needed to find people and approach them. And this is where our expertise comes in. That's what we do, every day.
If you're after talent, then you need the best talent to find it! Contact one of us!
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