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Recruiting in 2019

Low unemployment and uncertainty is almost the perfect storm when it comes to trying the find the best people for your important role! So today, more than ever, successful sourcing strategy to find the best people is an imperative.

So then why do people keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result? Advertising just doesn't work today, because you're operating on a whim that someone will see your advert and respond. So you put it out there and wait....and wait....and wait!

Of course advertising is part of strategy to source expertise, but increasingly, good candidates aren't actually looking. We probably place less than 50% of our roles from advertising. Most are either from our network, or from proactive search methodology that takes time and effort, often something companies neither have the resource nor time to undertake.

Many think recruitment is an expensive service. Traditional services can be, but this is something we have addressed due to our operating model. We are all very experienced operators with between 25 and 35 years of practical recruitment experience each. Whilst not evidenced, I think there would be few companies in the recruitment sector that could boast that! And because we operate a remote model, we have little or no overheads - and pass on those cost savings in our fees. We have been told that sometimes our fees are less than half what others charge, and with the expertise you engage, you win on all fronts.

Think of it this way. What does recruiting the wrong person cost your company or organisation? And last time you recruited the wrong person, what impact did it have on your company, team, culture, profit?

I'd like to invite you to contact any of our team - see the contact page - Amanda Scott, John Keesing, Teresa Curd, Richard Gladwell, or me, Kevin Chappell, for a no obligation chat and indication of what we can deliver for you.

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